
Royal Albert Hall 1970

Here we have Joni and James together in London. Two weeks earlier they had played at the event in Vancouver which launched Greenpeace. They were truly a golden couple, displaying unguarded affection towards one another on stage, romantically entwined to such an extent that their unravelling, a few months later, released enough energy to form Joni’s 1971 masterpiece Blue and its minor satellite Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon (1971).

This set presents many early classics with nice spoken introductions by Joni. Also included are five tracks originally left in the can due to broadcasting time constraints. Performed at the Royal Albert Hall, 28th October 1970. Originally broadcast by the BBC and also by WNEW in New York.

Joni Mitchell – vocals, piano, guitar, dulcimer; James Taylor – vocals, guitar.

Royal Albert Hall 1970

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